Eden Reforestation
Eden Reforestation Projects (Eden) is redefining our restoration approach building on years of experience working with communities around the globe. The Landscape Restoration work takes a holistic approach to restoration and conservation that generates deep environmental, socioeconomic, and biodiversity benefits based on intensive engagement with community stakeholders.
The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) defines Landscape Restoration as the ongoing process of regaining ecological functionality and enhancing human well-being across deforested or degraded forest landscapes. Landscape Restoration is more than just planting trees – it is restoring a whole landscape to meet present and future needs and to offer multiple benefits and land uses over time.
Each Landscape project will be managed by identifying the drivers of deforestation within communities and the landscape’s specific needs. Eden will then design a comprehensive restoration plan, based on established industry standards, in cooperation with community stakeholders to address each contributing factor to deforestation. Eden will conduct surveys to determine community needs and measure how the landscape projects are impacting those needs over the course of 15 to 20 years.
Eden’s international team will provide set indicators throughout the landscape, including tracking how regions within the landscape are used. In addition to providing estimates for the number of trees planted and people employed, alternative income activities and initiatives will be established, which may include beekeeping and climate-smart agriculture. This expanded part of Eden’s Landscape work aims to reduce extractive use of the landscape, namely non- timber products for food, fuel, and fodder, while assisting families and communities in creating income-generating activities that build resilience. Eden will also measure or track trends in various environmental outcomes such as hectares under restoration, benefits to ecosystem services, and quantifying emission sequestration rates.